Tithing: My Thoughts

Let me now speak concerning the issue of tithes… To reach the “Jews and the Gentiles” alike I would refrain from using strong bible language and deep scriptures as it is important I communicate my message as simple as possible

Personally, I received Jesus, not because a man convinced me to, but because the Holy spirit ministered to me that one time. Perhaps I have been preached to a countless number of times, but that one time... that special encounter with the Holy-Spirit did all the ‘Magic”.. Remember the Bible says in Acts... that the Holy Spirit added to the church daily such that should be saved…

Let NO MAN or PASTOR alike... take glory for ANYONE’s Conversion.

Now if a Man/Pastor did not convert me, my question is, how will he tell me my actions or inactions is bringing about a curse… This question is very valid as the bible records that DAVID DID EAT THE SHEW BREAD (I am thinking that’s church offering or communion) that was forbidden by anyone to eat… But David ate it because he was hungry, and absolutely nothing happened to him… Instead God called him the Apple of His Eyes (that means God loved him dearly without reservations)

We read more about the many seeming abominable actions of David, or maybe the prophet who made a beast eat up LITTLE CHILDREN because they mocked him (but these kids were acting without knowledge)… Point is God didn’t count it against the prophet… bible preachers will immediately say... YES that’s because the prophet was “ANOINTED”… then I ask ARE CHIRSTIANS NOT ANOINTED?

So my first point.

NO MAN/PASTOR/BROTHER/SISTER can tell enough of what God thinks about any man’s actions, inactions. You can try though, but Sir GOD HAS THE FINAL SAY. Remember you are just a messenger… deliver the message and get back to your master. YOU ARE NOT THE ENFORCER OF THE MESSAGE

Now on the real issue of tithing, One thing that comes to mind is, Why really do church pastors speak so passionately for Tithes.. I am very certain that the issue of Women covering their Hair, and then Women wearing trousers was at some point a matter of core debate among Christians. Pastors were quick to find a “biblical” way to explain why it is ok for Women not to cover their hair, and then they also can wear trousers within worship areas: buh why are they resisting this issue of “Not Tithing”…

Okay YES, God has asked Christians to tithe to their Pastors, But God has also directed that Christian Women should wear trousers and they should have their hair covered, so why is the Tithing issue more of what we should adhere to that the others…

let me also say, with my little biblical knowledge (I stand to be corrected); Jesus NEVER CURSED anybody for their actions or inactions (maybe unless the saducees and Pharisees).

How Come Pastors are quick to highlight the CURSES… How come pastors now can deduce a Christian’s poverty to because of his actions or inactions as with paying tithes?

We all can name SUCCESSFUL men and women the world over who would not pay tithes because they just do not have that belief, yet they support Humanity and freely donate immensely to the cause for Human existence free of pain, poverty and sickness.

For Me, I have considered the issues of tithes and I come to this conclusion, the gospel was given to man to make him Free…

Yes free. Free from OBLIGATIONS.

Truth is, it would make sense to remain in the LAW, if as Christians we still to have to observe this or that.. Remember what Apostle Paul said.. “let no one judge you in food or in drink, or regarding a festival or a new moon or SABBATHS (SUNDAY WORSHIP). COL 2:16 … Infact in verse 20, the bible expressely says we should not subject ourselves to regulations (I speak as regards worship, and not morality)

Jesus called us to a Life of Love, and No One should tell another man how to Love…

If I love Jesus by giving him a Tithe of my earnings; maybe that’s how I want to express my love for him… if I Love him by giving to Humanity and helping those in need, that’s also my own personal way of showing him I love him.. Even when I do not Give … and I only want to express my love for him by telling me using words.. That’s MY OWN BUSINESS.

Please let Nigerian pastors in particular stop playing God with Nigerian Christians… Let God be the Judge of what happens whether people Tithe or Not..

The Same way You think it is a Curse for a Christian not to pay Tithes, I also strongly think it is a Curse to Build a Large Edifice, and the road leading to your Magnificent building is in terrible condition. So hate me for all you want; 

God is giving Nigerians the revelation as regards tithing, he himself said he is coming for a Church without Spot or Blemish and he will continue to wash us with his word... 

Pastors please allow yourselves to be washed.

- Anonymous 
